For my video project, I have decided to shine the focus on the human ear. I specifically chose this topic due to the connection the ear has to the brain. The topic of the brain is what my group and I are focusing on so I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to connect the organs together and their functions. For someone that isn’t in the sciences’ area of study, I have a great curiosity about the human body that I’ve taken the time to learn about on my own time, considering I’m taking everything else but science classes. Our ears are an amazing part of our body, it’s an organ that creates a sense of hearing and balance. They collect sound and turn them into messages for the brain to interpret, something you’ll be able to learn about very soon as my group members and I go a little bit in-depth about the different functions of the brain. Our ears also send information about balance to the brain. 

This is my first time screencasting and I used Screenpal to help project my project. Since we had learned about screencasting very early on, I had forgotten a lot about how it works and its functions. With some research and watching a lot of youtube videos, I was able to work my way through navigating Screenpal. It became quite simple to use and I became efficient with recording and editing my screencast. I think screencasting is an amazing method to have in your toolbelt as it allows users to practice public speaking, with the camera on or off, how edit videos and further presentation skills. It’s such an amazing tool to know, and I can see how beneficial it is for the future. It’s another resource that I discovered through this class and I’m super grateful. 

Next, I decided to use ChatGPT to briefly talk about the human ear, demonstrating the use of this incredible AI that was recently created. Although it may seem like this AI has everything you need just by typing in the info you’re asking, there are often times when the information relayed could be incorrect or inaccurate. I wanted to incorporate the use of ChatGPT due to its relativity, especially in a University setting. This innovative tool is capable of researching, remembering, and refining questions and answers. 

Sketchnoting was something I really enjoyed doing, especially as someone who is a visual learner, sketchnoting has been a great interactive way for me to comprehend the topic better through writing and drawing; both things I find great joy in. I love the idea behind it, rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-drawn typography, shapes, and visual elements like arrows, boxes, and lines. It’s exactly what one may think it is, its effectiveness is uncanny, and I’m able to remember information so much better. Every time I draw something, I connect it to specific terms, and then I write a little blurb just below the word to explain its functions; as I did for each section of the ear. I made sure to separate my drawings and colour coded each specific thing to distinguish the sections of the ear, its names, and its functions. This removes the extraneous load matching the labels with the definition. I think segmenting information especially when it comes to learning about the human body can be beneficial, it helps to control the speed of learning and exemplifies clarity. 

Lastly, I’ve incorporated an Infographic with the intention of allowing my learners to have a better understanding of the subject quickly and efficiently. We all know that infographics are a powerful tool for organizing and presenting information like telling a story. I made sure to keep each section of the infographic clear and concise, it’s very straight to the point but it simplifies difficult thinking and information into short sentences. 

The Human Ear Screencast

Through this assignment, I had the opportunity to create something that I’ve never done before, in addition to using the multimedia that I learned in this class. I appreciate this assignment with the perspective that we’re in charge of incorporating the resources and multimedia we’ve used in class to create something of our choosing. I love how much freedom we have to demonstrate our learnings and findings as students. This is something I would love to implement in an educational environment as a prospective educator. I hope you enjoy reading through my post and looking through my video!